The game is going to go down on Sunday afternoon at around 1700 EDT. We hope it will be back online by Monday morning, but pre-warning that it may be down for longer. We will have no control over this but will keep you updated.

Projects should be working now
Eavesdrop should also be fixed
Animals should now be getting notifications at the right times and for the right animals
Animals owned by hibernating characters should no longer give notifications for restlessness
Books no longer show numbered descriptions in containers
Pickpocket success message now shows the correct item name
Pickpocket cooldown is now properly working per character (though you still only have 1 global chance to Pilfer per hour)
Wild animals will no longer give restless warnings
Characters should be properly waking up from hibernation now
Dead characters should no longer be diseased
All age brackets above adult now adjust proportionally according to character lifespan (so reformed will turn Old earlier than regular races)

Travel should be working again!
You no longer need to be grouped up with your self to travel
Leaders can once more move vehicles belonging to people in their group even if the owner isn't in the vehicle (but is grouped up)
What you cannot do is move someone's cart if they are not in your group.

Extra New Features!
Because our devs are just that great.
You no longer need to input credentials if you are in the index page and your session hasn't timed out
You can now see Announcements and Rules at top when logged in.
The home page got a few updates and the rules and etiquette pages now help you return to the game and navigate between them

And here's the bug fixes since may 20th!

UI Fixes
Named animals now properly show species on the area menu
Prayers now auto-close formatting to prevent italics overflow catastrophes
Books no longer show a description number when in containers

Project Fixes
Project weight no longer counts against ground space at the finishing tick
Checks were added so projects won't finish if an animal is no longer on tile
You can no longer attach a vehicle that already has an animal attached to it, to a different animal
Componentless items no longer estimate broken quality in the crafting menu
Kobold dens can properly be destroyed once more
Lockpicking area locks now gets an explanatory error when you've already picked the external lock
Stacked projects can no longer be started in vehicles through movement shenanigans

Abilities and Magic
Sanguines can no longer forcefully convert someone from outside their vehicle
Fae shifting coolup is now a proper cooldown
Faebie changelings are now born with the shifted racial icon
Crafted catalysts now get properly named when the project finishes
Berserk event order got fixed to become less confusing
Smokescreen is now working as its description says it should
Telepathy from your children now shows their name
Telepathy now generates notifications
Clairvoyance now recognizes line breaks
Mind links can now be replied to if you have the return link
Adjusted lifespans now remove the old age box from your Character Menu (or add it)
Animal Ceasefire no longer lowers overall animal aggression on a tile

Injuries and Disease
Undead Rot now contaminates people in vehicles
If a character dying of old age is incap but under 14 days old in that year, they can now be healed from their incap
Death should now properly clear modifiers, leaders, heirs, etc
Incapacitation by animals now properly applies a permanent scar

People can no longer move someone's cart unless they are either grouped up or subdued/incap in the cart with them
This should fix people being left behind with a cart that goes on the road
Riderless mounts now generate events when arriving to an area
Characters can now dismount wild animals
Lockpicking should now work in carts
Dead people are now properly removed from groups

You can no longer insta-spawn characters in succession by refreshing the page
Tierborn that spawn on the road should be properly accessible
Rideable animals that shouldn't be tameable are no longer tameable
Timers now stop during lockdown
Children up for adoption on the same tile no longer count as character crossings
All of the death code has been moved from the old code to the new
Not Exactly a Bug: When a group member is in an unhitched cart, the group travel time shows as 25 hours.

Hello, marosians!

New features and fixes of importance done over lockdown:

Custom colour headers for other characters posts
You can now select a colour to highlight the header of any other characters posts as you save their nicknames! To save a color on a person you have already nicknamed, you have to press the nickname button again.

Limit craft quality
You can now select a maximum quality to any item you make in the Crafting menu, up to the max your character can craft. If the characters actually working on the project would make it result into a lower quality than the max you set, the item will still come out lower. Just never higher.

Warnings before animals go wild
Now, people in the area around animals will see events that warn them of animals growing restless roughly two days before they go wild. Owners will get private events too, if the location has a barn.

Pickpocketing limited to once an hour
You can peek at everyone's pockets, but only take items once an hour. You now also get the items name on the success message.

Town leaders now break locks faster
Anyone in a leadership position of a town now create lockbreaking projects that only take half the usual effort, if they're on their town's tile.

Choose who will be hibo in a character crossing
The game will now only hibernate your character in a tile if the other is awake. So a hibernating character arriving to a tile should no longer make the awake character hibernate. And if you have two characters hibernating on a tile, whoever is set to awaken first will now properly awake.

Corpse sickness is working again

Whispers now clear activity warnings
Because others can interact with them, they now count as posts and will clear inactivity warnings.

Hello, marosians! Due to a bug with the attack timers, town guard attacks have been disabled until further notice. Criminals will still be spotted and denounced, it's only the automatic attacks that will not happen for the time being.

Thank you for your understanding!

The free-to-play collaborative story.

Marosia is a free text based roleplaying game. It is an RPG in a fantasy setting with open world society simulation mechanics. The player can create a character through instant spawning, or through the family system with a selection of different races. Once your character steps into the world, what you do is up to you, as the freedom to play whatever sort of character you want allows infinite possibilities.

Experience the excitement of playing out a character's entire life, and living through their moments. Understand the world around you within a text based environment, where words will sweep you into a new land of imagination and possibility. Feel the pleasures of your character's new discoveries; weapons, armor, tools, and resources are waiting to be used and created for your character's agendas.

Fall in love, start a family, raise an empire, begin a business, create a religion, discover treasure, lead a colony, create a government, plan a plot, become a thief, and change the world. It's up to you. The world is full of magic, surprises, gods, and demons. Where will your character fit within it?
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