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Adultspawn Tierborn
  • Can play your first character immediately
  • No initial barrier to actions or family dynamics to fit into - more RP freedom
  • Can have up to 9 (90 real days) more years of life than Adultspawns of the same race
  • Has the opportunity to gain natural magic at the age of 10
  • Has the opportunity to gain advantages to skills with genetics
  • No chance for natural magic - you will have to learn through an enlightenment project or spell book
  • No guaranteed support or group play through a family
  • Skills always start at the lowest possible level, aside from the racial bonus
  • Limited to two per account lasting the duration of their lives
  • Requires an unpredictable waiting period before play
  • Cannot start their own projects (except for magic), and slow the progress down
  • Roles available to them may be limited by their family, culture, or location for a long period of time

You are limited to a total of 5 characters per account, of which only 2 can be tierborn. You will not be able to spawn where you already have characters present or where characters are present who are played by players you have set to avoid.

To spawn as an adult, click the New Character card and select "I prefer to begin life as an adult." You will then be able to browse races available for selection either by clicking on their picture or selecting the race name from the dropdown menu. After filling out the details of your upcoming character, selecting "this is my chosen form" will spawn the character into the world instantly - no backstory is allowed, they appear suddenly automatically at age 18 mentally and physically.

Adultspawns can spawn in any location. Initially, they may spawn where random members (at least 3) of their race exists, but locations with their own characters or any characters of avoided accounts will be skipped, and if there are no viable locations they will fall back to spawning randomly in the wilderness, potentially alone.

To spawn as a child, select "I would like to experience childhood". Then select their race and gender. After that, your account will be put into a line to be matched with upcoming parents (See Queue for more information on how this works). As soon as this happens, your character will be spawned into the location of the parents at the age of five. As a child character, you do not get to name yourself - your mother will name you after you spawn. Child characters can change their own name at age 18. You are required to make an adult for your first character.

You are also able to adopt tierborn who are put up for adoption by other players who cannot play them anymore, if you have had at least one tierborn on your account in the past. This will show up as an option under the nav-bar called Adopt, with the number of characters available for you to choose from next to it.

Please Note: Due to Tierborns impacting those around them; specifically family, in a large and meaningful way - a Child Behaviour Guide has been created and implemented within the rules to provide Guidance. If you are considering playing a Tierborn please read this in full.

Occasionally a message will be shown on the character selection screen, stating that there is a shortage of child characters to a certain race. This means that there are more pregnant mothers than children waiting to spawn. Spawning a child when demand is high does not mean that your child character will spawn immediately. It may be up to a two day wait, and even after two days, the child will only spawn if they are next in line. (See Queue as referenced above). If someone supplied the demand before you, then your child may have to wait a little longer.

It is assumed when a character comes into the game world, they have certain knowledge. However, no characters may spawn with a backstory. The following is assumed to be known by default based on the age at which a character spawned.

All: Basic language, ability to use all human senses with some leeway on extra sensitive senses for anthropomorphic characters, basic mobility, any age appropriate mechanical action (anything with a button), and practice skills with others.

Adults: Using skills on their own, gathering resources, using tools and machines, riding mounts, basic survival such as cooking, defending themselves, and what coins are.

Children: Nothing additional. Children should be RPed as learning as much as they can from the adults around them, if it is in-character to pursue learning at all.

It is also within the right of a character to not know how to do any of the above listed items.

Various age groups will be described with a different descriptor. They are as follows:

Age descriptor Age group
Baby 0 - 4
Child 5 - 9
Preteen 10 - 13
Teen 14 - 17
Young Adult 18 - 29
Adult 30 - Infertility
Middle-Aged Infertility - Death Rolls
Senior Death Rolls - 80
Old 80 - 99
Ancient 100+

  • spawning.1614209799.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/02/24 23:36
  • by poldora